Gabbie and Chris wanted something different for their engagement session. They wanted a location that was beautiful and took in an epic view. This Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton Engagement Session provided everything they wanted.
I couldn’t even be mad about driving 3 hours to have this as their engagement session. During the session I think we laughed the whole time. They were so much fun and I just can’t wait for their wedding day.
In addition to the location, the weather was perfect. The sky was clear and it wasn’t too hot or cold. I can’t wait to go back to this location, because it is an AMAZING location.
Looking for your wedding photographer? Check out more information here. See more from this Half Moon Bay Ritz Carlton Engagement Session below.
I mean how epic is this sunset. We were able to capture this photo right before the tide started to come in. It couldn’t have been more perfect timing.
The cliffs are my favorite in this beach area. I also loved the fact that it wasn’t super busy during this time.
You wont be disappointed with a Ritz Carlton Engagement Session.
Want to see more engagement sessions, see more here!!
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